Sunday, September 26, 2010

America: Family, Culture, Respect, Independence?

Although I feel as if I am an American myself because of growing up here since the age of 7; there are things that still differ in American culture compared to that of my families. In my culture, your family is everything; I have been taught to respect my parents no matter what they say or do, even if I want things to go my way. Growing up in an eclectic but American cultured community, an ample amount of kids around me did not seem to hold the same respect for their family that I did; they would be spoiled in always getting their way and sort of doing what they want. A sense of intense independence is given to the average American kid, which results many times in their misdoings. In my family, my parents allowed me to have my independence but it was in a way limited so that I do not make irrational decisions that may injure me in the future. Not to generalize, there are of course those kids that with that independence they grow up to be wonderful beneficiaries of our society that hold the future of tomorrow; but this sense of being a separate entity from your family was always what I have seen from the American culture, which was completely opposite of mine.


  1. Very interesting. I do agree that a lot american families are EXTREMELY lenient with their children. I definitely have seen that this caused some to "go down the wrong path" because there were no boundaries or firm behavioral structure. As you mentioned, I am not saying this goes for everyone either.

  2. I agree with your point about the way Americans provide freedom to their childrens which at times turns out to be bad. But there have been good side to it too. After a child has been given freedom they create their own world, live their own lifestyle. Although, they fall apart from their parents and relatives as they grow up.

  3. I agree with the statement about the respect for family even if you do not get your way. Many American based families children tend to not have a high respect level for their parents and elders in general . They feel like what ever they say goes and they can not ever be wrong.

  4. I do agree with you on your point. That was one of many things that struck me when i first came to this country. Childrent tend to have way too much freedom and i don't think its beneficial for them. I have my little sister growing up here and it gets a liitle worried. Because no matter how hard you try to teach her certain values at home, there is still her school and surroundings that she learns from.

  5. I feel like American kids are so spoil, they don't realize how much their parents work to put up whatever they have or see in front of them. Kids in America barely respect their parents, I think we should have a class in school just to teach them how to respect and appreciate their parents.
