Monday, November 8, 2010

My dream, my actions, my Vision, my Power

There are many goals that I have set for myself in my life. One of my main goals is to be  a successful corporate lawyer; this required and still requires ample amounts of actions. First it required me to get a base education in elementary school, junior high school, and high school, at a high level; it then required me to attend a good school and continue to increase my education level, which is where I am now. From here on, I will have to finish up school with a high GPA, and alongside prepare and take the excruciating LSAT exam in order to get into law school. I will then have to suffer three years of law school, take the BAR exam and hopefully get my degree. I have planned for all this, now I all I need to do it execute.
Another goal that I have is going to require several different actions but with a different result; that goal is to get married and raise a family. Once I have a stable career, I would like to get married to a women that I fall in love with, have kids, and raise a family that I can protect, love and care for, who will continue my legacy and be there as support for ever more.
My last and final goal is possibly the hardest one for me to achieve. This is a personal dream that I have had, and it is to get into an acting career. Unfortunately, with the previous goals that I have planned, this might be pretty much impossible. But whenever I have the chance to possibly take acting classes, seek some sort of management, and possibly go to several auditions, I will definitely take that opportunity. Maybe at a later time in my life, when I first succeed with my first two goals.


  1. Being a lawyer and an actor at the same time? Wow, that is pretty interesting! I would say "go for it". First of all, you will never be bored while you are pursung that dream. Second of all, you will stimulize your intelligence while working as a lawer and also stimulize your emotional part while working as an actor. I think that your dream is very unique and worth trying hard. Good luck.

  2. It takes a lot of hardwork to be a lawyer. hope you will achieve your goal and for the acting class, just act natural.

  3. I love your desire to become a lawyer... as Saurav mentioned it takes a lot of hard work to become a lawyer. But with hard work and motivation you can do everything. Wishing you the best into reaching your goals.

  4. I always wanted to become a lawyer, before i decided to come to the US. Finishing a law school here would not give me an opportunity to go back to my home country and work if I wanted to, because of the different legal systems. Anyhow I wish you good luck!

  5. I think it's very smart of you to put your scholastic goals first, so you can gain financial security and later on try the acting career. I feel like all of us have hobbies and interests that are much more fascinating and fun than a business degree. But in the real world security for yourself and your family would have to come first. Good luck with everything
